***** 2020 BOGI Rates ***** The 2020 BOGI Event will be from Thursday September 10th thru Sunday September 13th. We hope everyone is staying well and hoping to get outside soon…. without a mask (although that would be an enhancement for many of us!) Once again, we are looking forward to some enjoyable days of golf, food, and friends in September. We included Thursday expenses in the overall cost similar to previous years. If you don't come up Thursday, or come up late and don't golf, you will receive the cash difference...in surgical masks. The cost will stay at $575. This covers: 1) Lodging Thursday, Friday and Saturday 2) 18 holes of golf and range balls, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 3) Dinner Thursday, Friday and Saturday 4) Breakfast Friday, Saturday and Sunday (at Dot’s) 5) Prize money for 2 longest drives and 2 closest to the pins on Saturday and Sunday (can’t win the same hole more than once) 6) Skins money on Sunday 7) A gift with the exceptionally designed BOGI logo on it 8) The chance to watch some football and baseball We are golfing at Mt. Snow again this year for all four rounds. The full amount of $575 is due by July 13th. When you send in your check please indicate if you plan to come up and/or golf on Thursday. Please make checks payable to Michael Martin and mail to: Mike Martin 86 Old Field Road Plymouth, MA 02360 T-Times are as follows: THU…09/10/20, 11:00 a.m. FRI….09/11/20, 08:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. (1 foursome) SAT…09/12/20, 08:00 a.m. SUN…09/13/20, 08:00 a.m. Hope to see you in September! Mike and Brian